Effective Real Estate Photography
Based out of Ocala, Florida
Air Drone Ops LLC serves central Florida Realtors with aerial, ground, video, and 360-degree image tours. Competitive Realtors understand how important quality marketing media is to their listings and they are the reason Air Drone Ops is in business. Market your listings with great photos and tours! Get the attention your listings need with professional real estate photography!
After the shoot you will receive a link to download your listing photos, an invoice, and a payment link. Images have a 3:2 aspect ratio and are sized to 2400 x 1600 pixels unless you require otherwise. High DPI images can be provided as needed for print images. Most ground photos are taken with at least three full-frame exposures and are processed to allow high dynamic range (HDR). See the Services page for pricing and additional information.
With professional real estate photography, you should expect to get listing photos with clear focus, correct lighting, good composition, minimal distortion, and straight vertical features. Unprofessional photos usually have slanted geometry. Quality photos generate more interest and emotion, allowing higher sale prices with less time on the market. High-quality listing photos also promote positive perceptions of the Realtor®. See The Business Case for Professional Home Photography.
DJI Air 3 drones are flown with FAA certification. These drones allow bracketed HDR photography and 4K videography. They are relatively quiet and are well-suited to real estate photography. See the Services page for pricing for interactive aerial panoramas that can be explored by selecting and dragging.